Yetunde Asaolu
2 min readSep 21, 2020


Sometime ago, While still basking in the euphoria of grooming a fine hair, I went to the salon to get my hair retouched and steamed,the hairdresser was a very experienced hair maker. When she was done pampering and washing the hair, she asked me”aunty, I want to trim It, do you mind? It felt like trim my hair with scissors, that will mean cutting off some inches off my hair?

She then went on to tell me the immense benefits of cutting the weak ends off, she said if I didn’t cut off the weak ends, it would affect my whole hair and it might start breaking and also, I needed to cut it off so that the hair can accommodate new growth.

I finally gave in and I watched with extreme displeasure how my hair was being cut.

The holy spirit said to me, YOU HAVE TO LET GO OF THE OLD AND LET GOD GIVE YOU SOMETHING NEW and while you wait for the New, there is a need to make room and give enough space that will accommodate the New that is coming.

A lot of us have allowed undue bags and baggages to take so much space in our hearts so much that it keeps hindering very work of God in us (Unforgiveness, strife,malice,anger,impatience etc)

Make room!!!

There is a big thing coming!!!

Purge yourself and make ROOM!!!

Yetunde Asaolu

I write on Content Marketing, Customer Success, Data analysis, Mental health and emotional well-being, lifestyle and GOD. Welcome to my space