Media Redistribution Channels For your Content

Yetunde Asaolu
4 min readAug 7, 2023
Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Content is king, and any company, brand or organisation that chooses not to allocate resources and time towards its content creation will fall short of its marketing goals.

One of the goals of content marketing is to attract, engage and convert customers by curating content targeted towards the brand’s target audience, and this cannot be made possible without ensuring adequate redistribution of content. Imagine spending hours on a marketing draft, and when you’re done, it bounces and has little or no engagement, it gives a sense of wasted effort, and as such, one of the things to put in place while planning a social media campaign is the channels of redistribution.

How do you redistribute your content so it reaches many people, especially your target audience?

As Bill Gates said, “If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business” To have and plan an effective social media strategy for redistributing your content, there are things to put in place and leverage on.

In this blog, I highlighted the key factors you need to put in place while planning a marketing campaign.


The first thing to do while planning any media campaign is to identify your target audience.

How do I identify my target audience?

Also, understand the distinction between a target audience and a target market.

Imagine placing an advert for children’s hair accessories targeted towards children from ages three months to 9 years, even though the kids aged three months to 9 years are the target market for the brand. However, children in that age range cannot make a buying decision, so the parents who can make the buying decision are the target audience.

This is a simplified illustration of what a target market and a target audience is.

Target Market is defined as a specific group of potential customers a business aims to reach with its products or services, a Target Audience is defined as the actual group of people who see or hear a particular advertisement and can make the buying decision.

In case you’re wondering, how do I determine my target audience?

These are ways to determine your target audience,

1. Demographic information like their age, gender, and location.

2. Psychographic data, like their challenges, interests, and aspirations.

3. The platforms they use the most.

4. What content do they want and need from you?

  1. Demographic Information

You can collect demographic data from surveys, questionnaires, or analytics tools. Important demographic data include age, gender, location, education level, occupation, and household income.

2. Psychographic Data

You can seek to Understand your audience’s challenges, interests, and aspirations by adopting a more in-depth approach which could be conducting interviews, focus groups, or using social listening tools to learn about their motivations, beliefs, values, and lifestyle choices.

3. Platforms and Online Behavior

Analyze website traffic, social media analytics, and engagement metrics to identify the platforms your audience frequents the most. This data will help you focus your content efforts where your target audience is most active.

4. Content Preferences

Engage with your audience through surveys or polls to learn about the type of content they prefer. Ask them what topics they find most valuable and what format (e.g., articles, videos, infographics) they prefer.


When planning your content redistribution strategy, one thing to look at is the key message; people’s attention span is low, so you’d want to drive in your point as fast as possible. People are drawn towards value; we all gravitate towards what gives us value. While planning your content, leverage the rewards scheme and benefits the piece of content drives home. You can also leverage positive customer feedback and the organic uptake of the rewards program of your brand via content.


Social Media Handles (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)

  1. Create engaging posts across social media platforms, using eye-catching visuals and relevant hashtags to boost reach and engagement.

2. Share snippets from the press release as social media updates to drive conversations and stir curiosity.

3. Encourage followers to share their positive experiences by engaging with your brand using a dedicated hashtag.

4. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts(media outlets, magazines, influencers) to amplify the campaign’s reach and generate more buzz.


First, you need to understand how intensely the use of blog posts helps your brand. The first step to using a product is to understand the rationale and idea behind making the product. The use of blogs helps organic reach; it gives Google and other search engines content to index, and this way, there’s an organic reach that drives traffic to the website. Also, blog posts help drive traffic to your website. With the use of how-to blogs, it establishes your brand as an authority, and this gives credibility to and for your brand.


For emails, the content needs to highlight the schemes and rewards your brand seeks to offer, and by doing this, participation is encouraged and boosted. The email heading needs to be very catchy and the body of the email as short as possible because open rates are significantly low when the title is boring and not catchy.

Here are a few points to consider in email marketing

1. Send targeted emails to your brand’s existing customer base, introducing the rewards program and its features.

2. Include a call-to-action encouraging customers to explore the benefits and sign up for the rewards program.

3. Offer incentives, such as a limited-time promotion or bonus rewards, to encourage immediate participation.


The Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) for each content rolled out can be used using software such as Buffer or Hootsuite analytics alongside the various metrics provided by each platform (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)



Yetunde Asaolu

I write on Content Marketing, Customer Success, Data analysis, Mental health and emotional well-being, lifestyle and GOD. Welcome to my space